Sher-Censor, E., Feniger-Schaal, R., Slonim, M., & Koren-Karie, N. (2024). Effects of adverse childhood experiences on observed parenting and children’s behavior problems among Jewish and Arab Muslim families in Israel. Development and Psychopathology, 1-11.
#Stern, A., Feniger-Schaal, R., & Rabinowitch, T. C. (2024). ‘Just Play’: Developing a drama therapy dyadic play intervention for children with intellectual developmental disabilities and their parents. Drama Therapy Review, 10(2), 163-171.
Feniger-Schaal, R., & #Geiger Shabtay, A. (2024). Challenges and strengths in the use of photovoice with people with intellectual disabilities. Evidence-Based Nursing
Keisari, S., Feniger-Schaal, R., Butler, J. D., Sajnani, N., Golan, N., & Orkibi, H. (2023). Loss, adaptation and growth: The experiences of creative arts therapists during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 82, 101983.
Feniger‐Schaal, R., #Stern, A., & #Elizarov, E. (2023). The effect of medical/therapeutic clowns on the playfulness of children with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities.
Feniger-Schaal, R., & Koren-Karie, N. (2022). Moving together with you: Bodily expression of attachment. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 80, 10195
Gavron, T., Feniger-Schaal, R., & #Peretz, A. (2022). Relationship Aspects of Mothers and Their Adolescents with Intellectual Disability as Expressed through the Joint Painting Procedure. Children, 9(6), 922.
Feniger-Schaal, R., Orkibi, H., Keisari, S., Sajnani, N. L., & Butler, J. D. (2022). Shifting to tele-creative arts therapies during the COVID-19 pandemic: An international study on helpful and challenging factors. The Arts in psychotherapy
#Zadok Boneh, M., Feniger-Schaal, R., #Aviram Bivas, T., & Danial-Saad, A. (2022). Teachers under stress during the COVID-19: Cultural differences. Teachers and Teaching, 28(2), 164-187.
Feniger-Schaal, R & Koren-Karie, N. (2021). Using drama therapy to enhance maternal insightfulness and reduce children’s behavior problems. Front. Psychol.
Feniger-Schaal, R., Schönherr, D., Altmann, U., & Strauss, B. (2020). Movement synchrony in the Mirror Game. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 1-20.
Keisari, S., Feniger-Schaal, R., Palgi, Y., Golland, Y., Gesser-Edelsburg, A., & Ben-David, B. (2020). Synchrony in Old Age: Playing the Mirror Game Improves Cognitive Performance. Clinical Gerontologist, 1-15.
#Geiger, A., Shpigelman, C. N., & Feniger-Schaal, R. (2020). The socio-emotional world of adolescents with intellectual disability: A drama therapy-based participatory action research. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 101679.
Feniger-Schaal., R. & #Warzager, D. (2019) Getting synchronized in the mirror game: An exploratory study. Journal of Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy, 1-18.
#Sela, T.,Livni, T., & Feniger-Schaal, R. (2019). The point of no return: A drama therapy group intervention for parents of children with ADHD. Drama Therapy Review, 5(2), 235-249. doi: 10.1386/dtr_00004_1
Feniger-Schaal, R. & Orkibi., (2019) Integrative systematic review of dramatherapy. Psychology of the Aesthetic Creativity and Arts.13 p. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/aca0000257
Orkibi, H., & Feniger-Schaal, R. (2019). Integrative systematic review of psychodrama psychotherapy research: Trends and methodological implications. PloS one, 14(2).
Feniger-Schaal, R, & Oppenheim D & Kore-Karie N. (2019) Parenting children with Intellectual Disability: Linking maternal insightfulness to sensitivity. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 63, 1285–1289.
Feniger-Schaal, R. & Citron, A (2018), Intervention of medical (therapeutic) clowns in kindergarten for children with Intellectual disability: a case study. International Journal of Disability Development and Education, 1-13.
Feniger-Schaal, R., Hart Y., Lotan, N., Koren-Karie, N, & Noy, L., (2018), The body speaks: Using the mirror game to link attachment and non-verbal behavior. Frontier in Psychology, 9, 1560.
Feniger-Schaal, R, & Joels, T. (2018) Attachment quality of children with ID and its link to maternal sensitivity and structuring. Research in Developmental Disabilities76, 56–64.
Feniger-Schaal, R. (2017). A Dramatherapy Case Study with a Young Man Who Has Dual Diagnosis of Intellectual Disability and Mental Health Problems. In: N. Mazza (Ed.), Expressive Therapies: Major themes in mental health. Psychology Press Routledge UK.
Feniger-Schaal, R. Koren-Karie, N. (2017). Acting like a child: Dramatherapy for parents. In: G. Schuchner, and D. Ferrandis (Eds.), Dramatherapy: theory and practice. Letra Viva. Buenos Aires.
Feniger-Schaal, R., (2017) On the edge: From the margins to the mainstream. Applied arts & Health 8(2), 267-274.
Feniger-Schaal, R, & Lotan, N.)2017) the embodiment of attachment: Directional and Shaping movement in the mirror game. The Arts in Psychotherapy 53, 55-63.
Feniger-Schaal, R. (2016). A Dramatherapy Case Study with a Young Man Who Has Dual Diagnosis of Intellectual Disability and Mental Health Problems. The Arts in Psychotherapy. 50, 40-45
Feniger-Schaal, R. (2016). A Dramatherapy Case Study with a Young Man Who Has Dual Diagnosis of Intellectual Disability and Mental Health Problems. The Arts in Psychotherapy. 50, 40-45.
Feniger-Schaal R, Noy L., Hart Y., Koren-Karie, N, Mayo A. E, & Alon U. (2015) Would you like to play together? Attachment and the mirror game. Attachment and Human Development.18, 33-45
Hart Y, Noy L, Feniger-Schaal R, Mayo AE, Alon U (2014) Individuality and Togetherness in Joint Improvised Motion. PLoS ONE 9(2): e87213. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0087213. 8 p.
Feniger-Schaal, R. Koren-Karie, N. Bareket, M. (2013) Dramatherapy focusing on maternal insightfulness: A preliminary report. The Arts in Psychotherapy 40(2), 185-191.
Feniger-Schaal, R. & Oppenheim, D., (2013). Resolution of the diagnosis and maternal sensitivity among mothers of children with Intellectual Disability. Research in Developmental Disabilities.34, 306-313.
Feniger-Schaal, R. Oppenheim, D. Koren-Karie, N & Yirmiya, N. (2012) Parenting and Intellectual Disability: An Attachment Perspective. In J. A. Burack., R. M. Hodapp, and E. Zigler (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Intellectual Disability and Development. Oxford University Press (p.334-348).
Feniger-Schaal, R. (2003) Children' response to war as represented in their narratives. Dramatherapy. 25, 8-14. (published by Routledge).