Research Students

Adi Peretz
MA drama therapy student. My study is a part of a longitudinal study examining the relationship between mothers and children with intellectual disability from childhood to adolescence. I am particularly interested in the interaction of mothers and adolescents using a nonverbal research tool - the Joint Painting Procedure (LPP). I hope that through this procedure,to gain a deeper understanding of these relationships and the emotional world of adolescents with intellectual disability.

Roni Viderman
Doctorate student. I am a dance/movement therapist and dance teacher. My main areas of interest are developmental psychology and how emotional experiences and interpersonal communication are embodied in the body and movement. My doctoral research combines these areas with the application of research tools from the world of expressive and creative therapy to monitor the development of emotional and social abilities of adolescents with intellectual disability from early childhood into adolescence.

Nira Sade
MA student

Danielle Warzager
Doctorate student in drama therapy. I work with adolescence in middle schools, and run a therapeutic center for children with special needs. Recently, together with a colleague, we started a program for emotional intervention with refugee children in elementary schools, called "The red bead": a school intervention using drama therapy". In my research I am interested to study examine the effectiveness of the program in terms of the well being of the children and the impact it has on their academic achievements and behavior in school.

Moran Zadok
MA student

Esti Lerner
MA student

Anat Geiger
PhD student. MA in drama therapy. I am working mostly with adolescents, and in my MA Thesis research I was deeply interested in the ways that drama can help us explore the emotional and social world of adolescents with intellectual disability.my PhD is about the experience of being a woman with intellectual disability . Through this research I am discovering the joining points between therapy, art and research, and their shared goals: exploration, expression and empowerment.

Tali Aviram
MA student

Rakhel Guelman
MA student